Student ID
Student Name
Student's Preferred Name
Student's Pronouns
Student School
Unfortunately, we are not able to serve all DPS schools. If you do not see your school in the list, that means there are no work-based learning programs offered at your school at this time.
Student Phone Number
Can you receive text messages at this phone number?
Student's Preferred Email Address
I'm interested in learning more about (check all that apply):
Launch Internship
- The Launch Internship is designed to give students a first-hand look at a career they’re interested in. Internships can take place over the course of a semester or a summer, and typically last 75 to 110 hours. Staff help match students with internships and provide support throughout the experience.
Youth Apprenticeship
- The Youth Apprenticeship Program is a three-year experience that offers high school students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience as an employee of a company. Apprentices earn a steady paycheck and work towards industry credentials, while completing college courses and earning their diploma at their local high school.
Coach Mentoring
- Coach Mentoring is an opportunity for high school students, mostly sophomores and juniors, to connect with a professional in their field of interest. Students and mentors participate in activities that are designed to help the student identify potential educational and professional paths. Meetings occur monthly and rotate between the student’s school and the mentor’s workplace.
Exploring Careers and Companies
- DPS students learn about careers available within a particular industry and observe the work performed by people in those careers. They also meet with the Navigator at their school to learn about post-high school educational paths to the careers they observe, or are interested in.
Which career interest areas are you interested in?
Please select all that apply.
Manufacturing and Trades
Public Safety
Other Career Interests?
Anything else you would like support with? (Resume, job search, etc.)